KABlab data is archived at the BU Library at: https://open.bu.edu/handle/2144/46509
Autonomous Discovery of Tough Generalized Cylindrical Shells (GCS) using a Self-Driving Lab (SDL)
Experimental Data (25,387 experiments)
"Autonomous Discovery of Tough Structures" by Kelsey L. Snapp, Benjamin Verdier, Aldair Gongora, Samuel Silverman, Adedire D. Adesiji, Elise F. Morgan, Timothy J. Lawton, Emily Whiting, and Keith A. Brown Under Review 2023. (https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.02315)
Quasi-static and Impact Testing of 3D-Printed Lattices
821 quasi-static tests & 247 impact tests & Code for Analysis
"Designing lattices for impact protection using transfer learning" by A. E. Gongora, K. L. Snapp, R. Pang, T. M. Tiano, K. G. Reyes, E. Whiting, T. J. Lawton, E. F. Morgan, K. A. Brown in Matter 2022. (doi.org/10.1016/j.matt.2022.06.051)
"A Bayesian Experimental Autonomous Researcher for Mechanical Design" by A. E. Gongora, B. Xu, W. Perry, C. Okoye, P. Riley, K. G. Reyes, E. F. Morgan, K. A. Brown in Science Advances 2020. (doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.aaz1708)
Updated Crossed Barrel Dataset with Finite Element Analysis
"Using simulation to accelerate autonomous experimentation: A case study using mechanics" by A. E. Gongora, K. L. Snapp, E. Whiting, P. Riley, K. G. Reyes, E. F. Morgan, K. A. Brown in iScience 2021. (doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2021.102262)
Cantilever-free Atomic Force Microscopy Image Processing Code by Wenhan Cao
"Massively parallel cantilever-free atomic force microscopy" by W. Cao, N. Alsharif, Z. Huang, A. E. White, Y. Wang, K. A. Brown in Nature Communications, 12, 393, 2021.
(Hosted at the MATLAB file exchange)
Parametric Lattice Generation Code by Kelsey Snapp
"Designing lattices for impact protection using transfer learning" by A. E. Gongora, K. L. Snapp, R. Pang, T. M. Tiano, K. G. Reyes, E. Whiting, T. J. Lawton, E. F. Morgan, K. A. Brown in Matter 2022. (doi.org/10.1016/j.matt.2022.06.051)
(Hosted at the MATLAB file exchange)
Octopus Fluid Cell by Wenhan Cao
"Electric field induced macroscopic cellular phase of nanoparticles" by Abigail Rendos, Wenhan Cao, Margaret Chern, Marco Lauricella, Sauro Succi, Jörg G. Werner, Allison M. Dennis, and Keith A. Brown
(Hosted on Thingiverse)